#!/usr/bin/python """ Module : simplePyCrust.py Version : 1.0 Author : Patrick K O'Brien Date : 22nd December, 2002 Purpose : Really simple example of how to embed PyCrust in a wxPython application. """ from wxPython import wx from wxPython.lib.PyCrust import shell from wxPython.lib.PyCrust.crust import CrustFrame class myFrame(wx.wxFrame): def __init__(self, parent, ID, title, pos, size, parentApp): wx.wxFrame.__init__(self, parent, ID, title, pos, size) # A text field self.textFld = wx.wxTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(500,200), style=wx.wxTE_MULTILINE) # A slider self.slider = wx.wxSlider(self, -1, 0, 0, 100, point=(10,250), size=(100, -1), style= wx.wxSL_HORIZONTAL | wx.wxSL_AUTOTICKS | wx.wxSL_LABELS) self.slider.SetTickFreq(5, 1) # Finally, a toggle button self.button = wx.wxToggleButton(self, -1, "Toggle", pos=(250,250)) # Add in the crust, hmm self.crustFrame = CrustFrame() self.crustFrame.SetSize((700, 500)) self.crustFrame.Show(wx.TRUE) self.crustFrame.shell.interp.locals['pcapp'] = parentApp wx.EVT_CLOSE(self.crustFrame, self.onCloseCrustFrame) def onCloseCrustFrame(self, event): self.crustFrame.Show(False) class myApp(wx.wxApp): def OnInit(self): wx.wxInitAllImageHandlers() self.frame = myFrame(None, -1, "My Basic Application", (20, 20), (500, 300), self) self.frame.Show(wx.TRUE) self.SetTopWindow(self.frame) return wx.TRUE if __name__ == "__main__": app = myApp(0) app.MainLoop()